Sunday 13 January 2013

Ahren baby boy, I realised something about you today.

You aren't very fond of your vegetables.

And when you aren't very fond of your vegetables, you are a bit of a pain in the arse to feed. I am sorry to be so blunt, but you really are.

You keep moving your little head everywhere. Then you keep sticking your hands in your mouth. Then you take those sticky hands full of green beans and rub them ALL over your face and into your eyes. And then to top it all off, you get narked at me for wiping your face clean.

What's that all about?

You are eventually going to enjoy your vegetables.... well the carrot anyway. Green beans are the devils food, but we will discuss that some other time.  Why dont you just save us all a little hassle and just start to eat them. You arent going to vomit, so stop pretending like you are. And no all that whinging and tearless crying also is not going to get you anywhere. You forget that before you came your sister. And let me tell you something, she has tried it all. I have seen all sorts of techniques from her, so unless you come up with something out of this world, it isn't going to work. She did a way better gagging impression than you my boy.

Apart from that you have been a little ray of sunshine today! You passed out on the couch while Emme and I were getting ready again. Ahren, we dont take that long to get ready, honestly! And if we do you know that i totally blame your sister, you know how she always refuses to do somethign or the other in the mornings!
We went to the baby bongo class and you were mesmorized by the drums and the noises! You didt cry once even though you were tired after I rudely awoke you from your passed out slumber on the couch.

Once again you had a lovely long afternoon nap, apparently I have been starving you because food in your belly seems to make you sleep longer!

You fell asleep tonight with rabbits foot in your mouth and I havent heard a peep from you.

You are such a good boy!

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